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Lecture Series 2010/11

Noah Fierer (University of Colorado at Boulder, USA)

Exploring terra incognita: using biogeography to explore the function and ecology of soil microorganisms

Friday 22nd October 2010, 14:00, UZA 1, lecture hall 2


Paul A. del Giorgio (Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada)

Exploring the role of community composition in the metabolic response of bacterioplankton communities to environmental change

Monday, 15th November 2010, 16:00, UZA 1, lecture hall 2

Mary Ann Moran (University of Georgia, Athens, USA)

Genomic Insights into cloud-inhibiting marine bacteria

Monday, 22nd November 2010, 16:00, UZA 1, lecture hall 2


Janet Jansson (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA)

"Illumina"-tion of soil microbial community responses to climate change using metagenomics

Monday, 6th December 2010, 16:00, UZA 1, lecture hall 2


Rolf Thauer (MPI Terrestrial Microbiology, Germany)

Methane formation and methane oxidation in the anaerobic biosphere

Monday, 13th December 2010, 16:00, UZA 1, lecture hall 2


Per Nielsen (Aalborg University, Denmark)

An activated sludge ecosystem model: From single cell microbiology to systems biology

Friday, 14th January 2011, 16:00, UZA 1, lecture hall 2


Jaap Damsté (NIOZ, Netherlands)

Applications of microbial lipids in environmental microbiology

Monday, 17th January 2011, 16:00, UZA 1, lecture hall 2


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Faculty Research Focus Microbial Ecosystems
c/o Faculty Center of Ecology

University of Vienna

Althanstrasse 14
A-1090 Vienna

T: +43-1-4277-54252
F: +43-1-4277-9576
University of Vienna | Universitätsring 1 | 1010 Vienna | T +43-1-4277-0
Lastupdate: 10.11.2010 - 10:10